In today’s post we will be talking about the manager/employee relationship and how that affects workplace engagement and productivity.
TODAY’S TIP: Career Development = Quality Relationships = Employee Engagement
Remember Jeffrey from our previous post? His challenge was to keep people engaged who had worked at his company for more than three years. He realized that the Nexus, that place where an organization’s goals and people’s passion meet, creates optimal performance for both the organization and the person, and that this is the best answer to employee engagement and company success.
Jeffrey discovered that the best way to reach the Nexus was for his organization to focus on the quality of relationships between managers and people. Quality relationships happen when mangers actively coach their people on their career development path, and this lead to high levels of engagement. Career development happens on the job, when people have challenging assignments and managers that coach effectively. The outcome: higher employee engagement and people’s willingness to give their extra time and energy
People long for coaching and mentoring, especially when it comes to feeling good about their work today and charting their future path. In fact, career development ranks as the top reason why people switch jobs, especially Millennials. Show your employees you care, and they will show you that they care. When employees get grounded in their personal values, they perform better, says author Amy Cuddy. Career development activities, such as having employees create a personal vision to guide their life and work,empower people to uncover their passion and take charge of their careers.
KEY TAKEAWAY: Actively mentoring your employee’s career development path is the surprising key to building quality relationships and engaging employees. Stay tuned for our next post which will give you tips on moving people to the Nexus in your organization.
Filed Under: Prior Consulting News
Tagged: Career Development, Employee Engagement, Organizational Change