Your work as a leader is both exciting and daunting. As a successful executive, you are ready to move beyond the ways you have worked over the years. Now you’re experiencing a range of emotions. You want to grow. You want to contribute new ideas. You have skills, resources, and connections that you’d like to deploy in a meaningful way. But perhaps you feel stuck about how to proceed. You would appreciate a partner to help you think out loud and set goals – big or small – so you can embark confidently on the next step in your journey.

Our approach is 100% customized to what you need. Here is an example:

  • We collaborate:
    • In our initial meeting, we’ll set goals and agree on the approach for your three- or six-month engagement. 
  • We explore: 
    • You will gain clarity through our discussions, beginning with where you need to start. For example, perhaps you’re struggling with a vision for the future; you have ideas and components of a plan but would like to put them all together. We would start by charting a vision.
  • We focus:
    • By identifying actions and experiments, you’ll gain traction toward your goals. This could be as large as developing an action plan for a big project, or as simple as drafting a schedule for how you’d like to spend your time and energy day to day. 
  • We stay in touch:
    • Beyond our engagement, we’ll check in informally for as long as you need.

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